Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So as i think of things. i realize that were gonna have alot to go thru. Im willing to stand by you an i hope you are too. you may not be the most loving type an you may not show affection all the time but i like you for who you are. so i hope that you can like me for who i am too. i know that my past maybe a little dark but i hope you can be the light to clear it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Todays events

So today just started as a bad day. Things always seem to go great for me and then they come crashing down. I really dont know what else to do. I feel like i have given you everything i can. I deal with all the issues that come at me. Im willing to do things for you willing to put you first. But at the end of the day you aint showing shit. you make me want to pull the trigger but i know it will hurt you so much. You cant stay safe forever with that card. Its gonna get to the point its gonna happen an im sorry. But you treat me like nothing. Be the same you are when we alone as when were in front of ppl.


Sunday, March 27, 2011


So today i woke up and thought it would be a normal Sunday. Then the sadness started to follow me. I just feel as if no matter how hard i try. I'm always coming up short. Maybe there's nothing i can do but live this life and then just die. But maybe this is once again i test i need to pass. Ive never been good in classes. Ive always had a hard time trying to pass test. But when it comes to life test. I feel as if i always pass.